  • 期刊


An Analysis of Cognitive Difference of Academic Cheating Behavior in Elementary School Students


本研究之目的主要在探討國小學童對於構成「學業不誠實行為」之具體項目為何及不同背景的國小學童對於「學業不誠實行為」的認知差異。根據目的,本研究提出2個主要問題,並以6個假設加以考驗。 本研究以台北市國小學童為母群,抽取9所國小四、五、六年級學童為對象,共558名。本研究以學習行為調查表及學生基本資料調查表為研究工具;前一份調查表用來測量學生對於構成「學業不誠實行為」具體項目的同意度,後一份調查表主要用來搜集學生的基本背景資料及學童在學校學習的成績。所搜集的資料分別以次數分配、適合度考驗、變異數分析及多系列相關等統計方法進行處理。本研究結果及結論如下:1.構成「學業不誠實行為」的具體項目大致可歸納為四大類型,2.年級不同的學童對於「學業不誠實行為」的認知有部份差異存在,3.性別不同的學童對於「學業不誠實行為」的認知有部份差異存在,4.學童的學業成績和學童對於「學業不誠實行為」的認知有正相關存在,5.學童的操行成績和學童對於「學業不誠實行為」的認知有正相關存在,6.學童的家庭社經地位和學童對於「學業不誠實行為」的認知無相關存在,7.學童的家庭社經地位和學童對於「學業不誠實行為」的認知無相關存在。 最後,根據本研究之結果提出檢討與未來進一步之研究方向,並針對敎育及輔導工作提供若干建議。


There were two main purposes for this study. First, to understand a clear definition of what concrete behaviors were associated with academic cheating behavior in elementary school students. Second, to compare the attitudes of the seriousness of academic cheating behavior among students of different variables in elementary school. The variables included grade, sex, academic scores, moral scores teachers valued, social economic situation and the level of parents' education. 558 4-6 graders, 287 male and 271 female, were randomly drawn from nine elementary schools in Taipei City for this study. Research instruments used in this study were: Learning Behavior Scale designed to measure the individuals' judgement of the severity of academic cheating behavior and Tables of Students' Fundamental Records designed to collect the variables mentioned above. The data obtained were analyzed by frequency distribution, test of goodness offit, one-way analysis of variance and multiple serial correlation. The major findings were summarized as follows: Ⅰ.There were four types of academic cheating behavior. First, to gain answers on exam situation. Second, to offer answers on exam situation. Third, to rise scores by other skills out of the situations. Fourth, the inappropriate learning behaviors on ordinary learning situation or homework assignments. Ⅱ.There was slight difference between different grades. Generally, there was no significant difference in attitudes between grades. Ⅲ.There was significant difference on sex. Female students considered each of the thirty forms of academic dishonesty as more serious than male students. Ⅳ.There was positive correlation between the attitudes of academic cheating behavior and academic scores. The more the students possessed in academic scores, the more serious the students thought on academic cheating behavior. Ⅴ.There was positive relationship between the attitudes of academic cheating behavior and moral scores teachers valued. The more the students were valued as high grade, the more serious the students thought on academic cheating behavior. Ⅵ.The relationship between the attitudes of academic cheating behavior and social economic situation (SES) was not significant. That is, no matter what SES the students stood, the attitude about academic cheating behavior was concurrent. Ⅶ.The relationship between the attitudes of academic cheating behavior and the parents' education level of students was not significant on grade 5 and 6, but there was significant relationship in father's educational level on grade 4, not in mother's. That is, the higher the father's' education level of students was, the less serious the attitudes of students were about academic cheating behavior on grade 4. At the end of the thesis, results were discussed, the implications of this study in both education and further research in this field were also offered.


