  • 期刊


Active/Passive Procrastinators, Metacognitions, and Emotion Variety after Achievement Feedback


大學生拖延議題一直為許多學者所關心,但新近學界發現某些拖延者實際表現並不差,此類拖延者被稱為主動拖延者,其後設認知信念、外顯拖延行為及在成就回饋前後之情緒困擾是否異於傳統拖延者卻鮮少研究加以探究。本研究以叢集取樣抽取646名大學在學生,研究工具包含拖延行為檢核表、主動拖延量表、後設認知信念量表及情緒困擾量表。研究結果顯示:1. 主動/被動拖延者分別具有較高之正向及負向後設認知信念。2. 主動/被動拖延者在成就評價前二週具有相似程度之外顯拖延行為,但主動拖延者在成就評價當週會減少拖延行為,被動拖延者則否,情緒亦較困擾。3. 主動/被動拖延者在高成就回饋後會減少情緒困擾,在低成就回饋後會增加情緒困擾,其中以主動拖延者為甚。4. 在高成就模型中,三次測量顯示被動拖延者在高成就回饋後會減緩其心中情緒困擾,主動拖延者變化幅度則會高於被動拖延者。在低成就模型中,主動/被動拖延者情緒困擾分數呈現有意義之上升。本研究根據研究結果在理論上及實務上進行討論,並針對未來研究及教學提供建議。


This study examined the difference of metacognitive belief, deadline pressure, and emotional distress among active and passive procrastinators. The participants were 646 students from 12 universities and research tools included a procrastination check list, an active procrastination scale, a meta cognitive belief scale, and an emotional adaption scale. Questionnaires were analyzed by a t test, two-way ANOVA, Cohen's d and latent growth model. The results of this study were as follows: (1) active procrastinators reported a high degree of positive meta-cognition, but passive ones reported a high degree of negative meta-cognition; (2) active procrastinators decreased procrastination and reported lower emotional adjustment before achievement evaluation, but this was not the case for passive ones; (3) both procrastinators' emotions after the low achievement feedback were significantly worse, especially for the active procrastinators; and (4) two different procrastinator types revealed different levels of emotional distress. Implications for theory, practice were research are discussed.


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