

母嬰連結指母親對嬰兒的認知、情緒,以及願意付出的意圖,基於其對母親與嬰兒福祉的重要性,本研究旨在由一般產婦在產後短期間內之經驗,編製具有足夠信效度之母嬰連結量表。量表初稿主要依據謝珮玲等人(2012)之質性研究結果擬定,邀請大台中地區產後至15天內之產婦填答量表初稿,以及背景、孕產、產後心理社會狀況等問卷,獲得有效樣本共567名。經項目分析、探索性及驗證性因素分析,由量表初稿提取出25題、四個因素之正式量表,將四因素分別命名為「親近」、「親職適應」、「承諾」、「回應信心」。再以內部一致性、文獻對照、全量表與因素間之相關,以及量表分數與背景、孕產、產後心理社會等變項間的關係等,做為評估信效度之指標。發現全量表與四因素之內部一致性Cronbach's α為.82~.90,四個因素間之Pearson'sr為.18~.60。另外,亦發現因素分析結果與文獻之概念分析大致符合,孕期焦躁、孕期心情低落者在母嬰連結量表各項得分皆較低,母嬰連結量表各項得分與產後之憂鬱、焦慮有負相關,與社會支持有正相關。因此,本研究編製之母嬰連結量表具有令人滿意的信度與效度,應是適用於國人之母嬰連結評估工具。


Mother-infant bonding is defined as a mother's thoughts, feelings, and commitment toward her baby. Bonding is important to the wellbeing of mothers and infants. The study aimed at developing a reliable and valid Chinese Mother-Infant Bonding Inventory that can be applied at the immediate postpartum period. An initial version of the inventory was developed based on the qualitative study (Shieh et al., 2012). Women who gave birth in Taichung were invited to fill the initial version of the inventory within the fifteen days postpartum. Demographic information, as well as mothers' psychosocial status during both pregnant and postpartum periods were also collected. A valid sample with a total of 567 women was obtained. After item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, a 25-item, four-factor inventory was derived. The four factors were Proximity, Parental Adjustment, Commitment and Confidence of Reciprocity. For the reliability, internal consistency coefficients of Cronbach's alpha for the whole inventory and four sub-scales ranged between .82~.90. The Pearson's correlation among four sub-scales ranged between .18~.60. The factor structure of the inventory was consistent with its conceptual analysis. For criterion validities, relationships between bonding and demographics, pregnant and postpartum psychosocial status were found to be consistent with the literature. For example, participants with higher anxiety or depression scores in their pregnancies showed lower bonding scores. With regard to the postpartum psychosocial status, degrees of depression and anxiety were negatively correlated with the bonding scores. Degree of social support was positively correlated with the bonding scores. We conclude that the Mother-Infant Bonding Inventory has adequate reliability and validity and can be use to evaluate the relationship between Chinese women and their infants.


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