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Symptomatic Anterior Cervical Arachnoid Cyst Development after Excision of a Posterior Thoracic Arachnoid Cyst


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脊椎硬膜內蜘蛛膜腔囊腫是少見的疾病。他們可能為單一個囊腫或是多發性,通常不會產生臨床症狀,但有時會因為壓迫脊髓或神經根而產生症狀。致病機轉目前還不明瞭。大部分囊腫位於胸髓後方,而位於頸髓前方之囊腫是非常罕見。我們將報告一位三十歲女性,在手術切除位於胸髓後方之蜘蛛膜腔囊腫之後,其位於頸髓前方之囊腫產生臨床症狀 • 腦脊髓液的流動,可能因之前的手術產生變化,導致位於頸部之囊腫產生症狀。病人接受將頸部之囊腫開窗及放引流管手術,術後一年,病人臨床症狀幾乎完全恢復。


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Parallel abstracts

Intradural spinal arachnoid cysts are relatively uncommon lesions that may be single or multiple. Most cysts are found posterior to the thoracic spinal cord. Those located anterior to the spinal cord in the cervical spine region are rare. We report a 30-year-old woman in whom an anterior cervical intradural arachnoid cyst became symptomatic after complete surgical resection of a posterior thoracic intradural arachnoid cyst. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow may have been altered by the initial operation in such a way as to allow the cervical cyst to became symptomatic. She was treated with direct fenestration and shunting of the anterior cyst with eventual complete resolution of her symptoms one year postoperatively.
