  • 期刊

Acinetobacter Anitratus引起之術後椎間感染症-兩病例報告

Acinetobacter Anitratus Postoperative Disc Space Infection - A Report of Two Cases


空軍總醫院在1989年中有32例因腰椎間盤突出而接受手術。其中有兩例於手術後症狀完全消失,郤不幸於手術後一個月及三個月再次發生嚴重下背疼痛。我們使用保守治療,以完全臥床休息及抗葡萄球菌抗生素之使用,再次手術後,臨床效果良好,此二病例之細菌培養皆為Acinetobacter anitratus。


Among the 32 patients treated surgically for lumbar disc herniation in Air Force General Hospital during 1989, two patients had recurrence of severe intractable low back pain at one and three months postoperatively. The recurrences were then treated conservatively by long period of strict bed rest and antistaphytococcal antibiotics but finally failed to improve. Re-opereation was performed to debride and to decompress the affected disc space, and proper antibiotics was employed according to the bacterial culture and sensitivity test from surgical specimen. Both patients recovered satisfactorily afterwards. A rare, opportunistic organism, acinetobacter anitratus, was isolated in these two cases
