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Many osteoporotic thoracolumbar spine fracture often need surgical intervention to relieve pains, to stabilize progressive kyphosis or improve neurologic impairment. Anterior decompression and fusion with instrumentation are the current treatment. However progressive kyhosis, implant failure and pseudoarthrosis were often seen postoperatively. These results may be due to insufficient bonding strength between the screws and the vertebral body. Since the end-plate is the most rigid part in the vertebral body, the spinal instrumentation with end-plate fixation was designed. To prevent the screw loosening and the vertebral body collapse, this new device can fix the end-plate and increase the maximum bonding area. The new implant included tow end-brocks bonding with end-plates, one connecting plate and two screws to separate and connect the end-blocks. Biomechanical comparison between the new spinal instrumentation with the Kanada device was studied. The biomechanical tests were performed on six fresh intact porcine spine at the thoracolumbar portion. All the biomechanical tests were conducted on a servo-hydraulic testing machine(Schenck PSB 10). The results showed that the compressive, flexional, torsional stiffnesses of the Kanada and the new devices were 3576.8 N/mm and 2977.7 N/mm, 0.3390.1 N-m/mm and 0.3640.1 N-m/mm, and 6.370.3 N-m/degree and 5.300.7 N-m/degree, respectively. There were no significant differences (P > 0.01) between two device. The new device was less rigid than Kanada device and was of benefit to the current concept of the semi-rigid design of the spinal instrumentations. We conclude the present study with a recommendation of a new anterior spinal instrumentation with end-plate fixation.
