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Effects of Oral Aluminum Chloride on Maternal/Embryonic Toxicity and Teratogenicity in Pregnant Rats


本研究旨在評估大白鼠於胚胎器官形成之初期(懷孕第8天到第11天)分別每天口服0、74、或185 mg Al/kg 體重之氯化鋁,在懷孕第20天時的母體/胚胎毒性與致畸形性發生。口服鋁組母鼠體重增加量明顯比對照組低,其臟器的相對重量比也受到鋁的影響。雖然其血液學部份並無明顯的變化,血漿中包括肌酸激?、乳酸脫氫?活性與鹼性磷酸?等活性明顯較低,其血漿鈣及無機磷濃度明顯較高,而氯、鎂與鉀離子濃度則較低。血糖、與尿酸濃度也因鋁的影響而顯著高於對照組,但卻有較低的血膽固醇含量。至於口服氯化鋁對於著床數、死胎吸除數、活胎及死胎數、性別、與胎兒重並無明顯的影響。此外,各組間胎兒的外觀缺陷與骨骼異常亦無顯著的差異。以上結果顯示胚胎器官發生之初期口服高劑量氯化鋁雖不會造成胚胎及子鼠毒性、與致畸形發生,但對母體血液生化值仍有影響。因此建議懷孕期間口服高劑量含鋁的製劑仍需慎重。


The maternal/embryotoxic and teratogenic potential of oral aluminum chloride (AlCl3) in rats was evaluated. AlCl3 was gavaged with a daily dose of 0, 74, and 185 mg Al/kg to three groups of pregnant rats, respectively, from day 8 through 11 and animals were sacrificed on gestation day 20. Maternal rats were evaluated for weight gain, relative organ weight, hematology, plasma biochemistry, and reproductive data. The ingestion of AI by the pregnant rats caused a significant decrease in weight gain and change in relative organ weight. No significant effects attributed by oral Al were noted in hematological value comparisons. However, oral Al markedly decreased the plasma enzymatic activity of creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and alkaline phosphatase. Meanwhile, significantly enhanced plasma calcium and phosphorus and suppressed plasma potassium, chloride and magnesium were shown in Al-treated rats. Plasma glucose and uric acid were higher and cholesterol levels were lower in animals treated with Al. No Al treatment-related changes were observed in the general reproductive parameters as well as fetal weight data. In addition, gross external and skeletal examination of Al-treated fetuses did not reveal differences at any dose in comparison with the controls. Although there was no evidence of embryotoxicity or teratogenicity in the Al-treated fetus, the observations of maternal changes in plasma enzymes and electrolytes suggested that ingestion of high amounts of Al during the early organogenesis period is hazardous.


aluminum organogenesis hematology biochemistry teratogenicity
