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Effect of Pepsin-Digesed Hydrolysate Derived from Food Protein on Lipid Oxidation



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This study was performed to investigate the antioxidative effects of hydrolysates derived from casein, soybean protein and chlorella protein. All types of protein were hydrolyzed with pepsin, then, purified with ion exchange resin and gel filtration. The molecular weights of hydrolysates from the various proteins were between 250 to 5000. The hydrolysates of casein, soybean protein and chlorella protein were placed into the same reaction system with linoleic acid. The antioxidative activities were determined by quantifying the lipid peroxidation product in the reaction system with a ferric thiocyanate test on days 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21. Deionized water and BHT were used as the control and positive control. All hydrolysates showed the antioxidative effects. The antioxidative effects of hydrolysates from casein and soy proteins were higher than the hydrolysates from chlorella protein.

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