  • 期刊


A Study of Test Method for Absorption Coefficient of Material through Cross-Correlation in an Anechoic Chamber-The Porous Plane Materials as Example


本研究以檢討無響室(anechoic chamber)中互相關(cross-correlation)脈衝遲延法檢測吸音率(absorption coefficient)之測試標準爲目的,初期實驗試材仍以多孔性材料(porous materials)爲樣本。其研究之方法是以M-序列(M-sequence)技術製造擬似白色噪音(white noise)來進行實驗測試,且作爲相關函數(correlation function)計算理論之基礎。此法藉由無響室內記錄聲波反射能量,即直達聲(direct sound)與反射聲(reflection sound)之振幅比來推導受測材料之吸音能力(即材料之吸音率);並調查量測時正確之聲音入射角度與吸音係數之間的關係,以確立互相關脈衝遲延法之實際適用範圍。


The purpose of this study is to research a new absorption coefficient method by using correlation technology which has been developed and applied to the measurement of acoustical qualities. This study employs broad band frequency range 250Hz~4kHz signal-simulated white noise produced by M-sequence technology as the measuring source. The shapes of the cross-correlation curves are easy to detect correlation peaks derived from the sound intensity of direct or reflected traces from material within the anechoic chamber. They will be proportioned to the ratios of reflective energy as absorption ability or absorption coefficient. Finally, the broad band frequency range, multiple directions for each sound beam can be surveyed independently to establish a new standard measure for absorptive characteristics.
