  • 期刊


Dynamic Part Routing for Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Petri Nets and Genetic Algorithm




In general, the tasks of scheduling in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) are performed at the planning stage and thus these systems can not respond to the need for decision-making to select alternate machines and alternate sequences when unexpected events, such as machine breakdown, take place in the manufacturing system. Therefore, it is important to construct a dynamic dispatching model to handle the part routing problem in the FMS. In this research, a combined Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Colored Timed Petri Nets (CTPNs) approach, to construct a dynamic dispatching model for flexible part routes in a shop floor control system is proposed. The proposed dynamic dispatching model includes three modules: a generation module to produce a part OR graph matrix, a decision module for part routes and a CTPN simulation and control module. The generation module for the part OR graph matrix generates part OR graph matrices based on the process plans of parts. Next, the GA is introduced to search for the next appropriate machine to process the part from the part OR graph matrix based on the shortest remaining processing time. After the machine for the next operation is selected, the part OR graph matrix is updated and the CTPN simulation and control module performs the tasks of dispatching resources for the next operation. Finally, a flexible manufacturing system with flexible part routes is given as an example to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach.


