  • 期刊


A Study on the Natives' Attitudes Toward the Development of Ecotourism in Their Reserves


原住民保留地設置的目的,是爲保障原住民的生計與推行原住民的行政;然而隨著社會的演進與我國即將加入世貿組織(WTO)所帶來對農業的衝擊,原住民保留地的農業生產功能勢必式微。在政府爲農業尋找新活路的同時,對原住民保留地的功能亦應有一番新的詮釋。本研究即探討以發展「生態旅遊」爲主軸的永續經營模式,應用於原住民保留地的可行性。研究之目的係從原住民對保留地發展生態旅遊態度的實證,做爲可行性分析的基礎研究。 經實證分析後之結果顯示: 一、受訪者對過去政府山地保留地設置的態度多持肯定看法,但對土地之利用或管制方面,則與政府政策有所落差,顯示須重新思考其土地利用管制方式。而思考之方向,宜參考因素分析後所得之四個因素構面,即「補助回饋」、「限制發展」、「永續利用」與「自主管理」等去探討。 二、關於原住民對保留地發展生態旅遊的態度分析,顯示受訪者對此種土地利用方式亦多持肯定看法。而未來發展的考量因素,經由因素分析後所得之四個因素構面,即「文化保存與社經利益」、「技術輔導與資金提供」、「旅遊服務與生活體驗」及「發展願景與條件認知」等,可做爲政策研擬之參考。 三、經典型相關分析後得知,原住民對其保留地設置的態度與未來發展生態旅遊的態度間呈現顯著相關性,特別是對原住民保留地之補助回饋工作、尊重原住民對其土地管理的自主性、加強原住民文化保存、提昇其社經利益、及輔以技術與資金之提供等項目,均是最基本要做好的先決條件。此點顯示原住民保留地以發展生態旅遊的新利用方式,頗具可行性,是值得發展的戶外遊憩政策。 此外,本研究亦提出一些經營管理與行銷方式上的建議,例如:成立原住民之友會、建立網站、保留地提供生態旅遊資料庫等,供相關單位推動發展保留地生態旅遊之參考。


The purposes of the establishment of natives' reserve are to meet natives' living needs and to administrate their affairs. However, owing to the changes of society and the impacts derived from entering the WTO in the near future, the agricultural production function of natives' reserve shall be declined. As the government is trying to find a new way out for Taiwan's agriculture, it is also necessary to have a new interpretation on the function of the natives' reserve. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the feasibility of a sustainable management model based on the development of ecotourism in the reserve. The purpose of this research was to study natives' attitudes toward ecotourism so as to serve the basis for the analysis of that feasibility. The results of this study are shown as follow: 1. Respondent natives' attitudes toward the establishment of reserve were mostly positive, but there was a gap in the perceptions of land use and regulating aspects between natives and government's policies. It can be indicated that the land use types need to be reconsidered. The direction of this reconsideration could refer to those four factors obtained from factor analysis of those attitudinal variables, including ”monitory compensation”, ”limited development”, ”sustainable uses”, and ”autonomous management”. 2. Natives' attitudes were mostly positive toward the development of ecotourism as a land use type in their reserves. Four factors need to be taken into account in the development of ecotourism policies, including ”cultural preservation and social-economic benefits”, ”skill and financial help”, ”ecotourism services and life experiences”, and ”prosperity of developing ecotourism and perceptions of its background”. 3. After a canonical correlation analysis, some significant relationships between attitudes toward reserves and toward ecotourism development have been found. Especially the relationship path goes from ”monitory compensation” and ”autonomous management” factors to ”cultural preservation and social-economic benefits” and ”skill and financial help” ones can be government's references in policymaking. It can be indicated that ecotourism in natives' reserves as a new land use type is feasible and worthwhile to be promoted as a kind of outdoor recreation policy. In addition, some suggestions of management and marketing approaches, such as set up a club of native's friendship, a website, data base for reserves' ecotourism, etc. were presented for government's references in the development of ecotourism in the natives' reserves.


Natives' Reserves Ecotourism Attitude


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蔡文涵(2009)。以排灣文化為主軸發展生態旅遊之規劃研究-以屏東縣三 地門鄉為例〔碩士論文,國立屏東科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6346/NPUST.2009.00081
