  • 期刊


The Effects of a Drum Art Program on At-Risk Youth: An Experiment of the BBM Programming Model


本研究目的在於了解休間遊憩活動是否能夠降低身處危險環境青少年所面臨的危險因子或其偏差行爲。以花蓮縣某國中一二年級全體105位學生爲研究對象,依性別、年級、與族群比例隨機分層抽樣分爲兩組,計爲實驗組40名與控制組65名,實驗組參與以利益爲管理導向模式(Benefits-Based Management,簡稱BBM)所設計的傳統鼓藝活動,活動共計進行9週12次。本研究使用保護因子與彈性因子兩種量表,以ANCOVA方法來分析資料。經由研究結果發現,鼓藝活動顯著提升研究對象彈性因子中之獨立性與洞察力,以及保護因子中對未來的積極態度,其餘各因子則未具有統計上顯著的效果。 本研究獲致以下結論:BBM模式概念之實驗仍值得繼續進行,BBM模式設計的活動對於身處危險環境的青少年,一則能提升其自信心、未來感、與社區意識,再則能增強其團隊精神與人際關係,此外亦證實精心設計的休間遊憩活動不僅具有「好玩與打發時間」的功能,同時也具有社會和心理上的利益。文末則討論研究結果對教育工作者及父母的啟示與涵義,並對未來BBM模式在台灣的研究提供建議。


Schools today attempt to maximize the learning potential of all students through instructional opportunities utilizing specific curricular or co-curricular activities. A review of the related literature and research revealed that the Benefits-Based Management (BBM) program has proven to be an effective model to help at-risk youth. The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the effects of an extended recreation program on at-risk junior high school students in Taiwan. A proportional, stratified and random sampling technique was used to select experimental and control groups. A traditional Chinese Drum Art program was used as the intervention activity. The data for the study were collected using the Protective Factors Scale (PFS) and the Resiliency Attitude and Skills Profile (RASP). The PFS and RASP pre- and post-tests were administered to the experimental and control group participants at the first and last of the 12 treatments sessions during a nine-week period. The results revealed that PFS factors were not significantly different between the experimental and control groups except for the ”positive attitude toward future”. The results on the RASP factors indicated that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups on two of the seven factors, independence and insight. Two major conclusions were drawn. First, the application of the BBM approach for the at-risk youth has worth to those working with youth in Taiwan. Second, the BBM approach moves beyond ”fun and games” and proves recreational programming can help facilitate the realization of social and psychological benefits.


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