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The State-making of China in the Lake District in the Early 1950s: Focus on Huanggai Lake




At the founding of the People's Republic of China, the government reformed the lake district in the overall process of "land reform." However, this transformation was only focused on the status of land possession and could not completely cover an independent "water reform." The Law promulgated in June 1950 stipulated that lakes and rivers were owned by the state and would be managed by the government. Therefore, the lake district did not undergo the process of redistributing to fishermen, but rather directly entered the state ownership stage. In order to implement the state management of lakes, Hubei Provincial Government set up the Lake Administration Bureau, whose main business was twofold: collecting tax and developing aquatic products. As to collecting tax, the government cut out the middlemen and directly dealt the laborers as lake owner. The development of aquatic products reflected the function of a modern government in a developing economy. Both efforts reflect the government's function in the lake region as a "modern government." Managing the lake, ultimately, is about managing the people in the lake district. Based on the policies and measures implemented for the land, the local government controls the fishermen in the settlements, and the Lake Administration Bureau manages the lake and integrates the self-management of the fishermen under the government's control, thus forming a network to manage the fishermen. However, it is difficult to say that this approach has completely and effectively solved the problems of lake administration. With the lower tax rate, fishermen peer support, and loans for fishing and other measures, the fishermen's life and work conditions have improved. Among its tasks, the reform of Lake Administration Bureau, takes the "development of aquatic products" as the main work of socialist economic construction, to stimulate production and materially improve the fishermen's work conditions.


State-making Socialist Transformation Lake Fisherman


同治《臨湘縣誌》,收入《中國地方誌集成.湖南府縣誌輯》第 4 冊。南京:江蘇古籍出版社,2002 影印本。
《一九五三年到一九五六年黃蓋湖歷史材料報告意見》。赤壁:赤壁市檔案館藏,水產局檔案 73-43。〈一九五三年黃蓋湖歷史材料〉(1953 年 1 月 27 日)。
《一九五三年到一九五六年黃蓋湖歷史材料報告意見》。赤壁:赤壁市檔案館藏,水產局檔案 73-43。〈關於鴨婆口檢查岳陽協議執行情況的報告〉(1953 年 7 月)。
《一九五三年到一九五六年黃蓋湖歷史材料報告意見》。赤壁:赤壁市檔案館藏,水產局檔案 73-43。〈蒲圻縣人民政府水產科關於黃蓋湖漁民組織及管理情況的報告〉(1953 年 2 月2 日)。
