  • 期刊


Origination and Propagation of the Late Qing Theory of "Protecting China but Not the Great Qing Dynasty": Wenti's Censure of Kang Youwei




On July 8, 1898, the Imperial Censor Wen Ti censured Kang Youwei, charging that Kang and others had intended to "Protect China but not the Great Qing Dynasty" by organizing the Protect the Country Society. The phrase "Protect China but not the Great Qing Dynasty" appeared repeatedly in the press and magazines after the coup d'état of Empress Cixi, creating a negative image of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao. Wen Ti's censure of Kang Youwei raised Wen Ti's stature in the eyes of conservatives and won him political capital in the conservative political environment from 1898 to 1900. However, this led the reformists to regard Wen Ti as a representative of the conservatives or a lackey of the Qing court, and after the New Deal period at the end of the Qing Dynasty, many articles that lampooned Wen Ti were published. Moreover, the revolutionaries re-interpreted the theory of "Protect China but not the Great Qing Dynasty" and used it as a weapon in their revolutionary propaganda. The present article analyzes the process of political image-making during the late Qing by examining the repercussions of Wen Ti's censure of Kang Youwei and his theory of "Protect China but not the Great Qing Dynasty." I also discuss the role of the new media, such as newspapers, magazines, and propaganda pamphlets in this process.


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桑兵,〈康梁並稱的緣起與流變〉,《近代史研究》2013 年第 2 期,北京,頁 46-64。
馬忠文,〈20 世紀 90 年代以來的戊戌變法史研究述評〉,收入中國社會科學院近代史研究所政治史研究室編,《晚清政治史研究的檢討:問題與前瞻》,頁 272-296。北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2014。
