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Lack of Direct Apoptotic Effect of Uric Acid on Renal Epithelial Cells



雖然尿酸在短時間內產生過多(常見於血球惡性增生疾病,接受化學治療之後),會引起高尿酸血症而導致急性腎衰竭的現象已經廣為人知。但是慢性高尿酸血症本身是否單獨會引起慢性間質性腎炎進而進行至尿毒症則仍不清楚。組織學上,慢性高尿酸血症合併慢性間質性腎炎我們稱為“痛風陸腎病變,這類病人通常合併有痛風性關節炎,而且關節處幾乎都可見多發性痛風石。由於常常必需服用止痛藥以及長期高血壓,再加上有些病人會產生泌尿道結石引起阻塞或感染,多重因素影響而導致尿毒症,使得尿酸在其中所扮演的角色並不容易釐清。由於不論任何原因引起的慢性腎衰竭病人,因為腎絲球過濾率下降,尿酸排出減少,病人多會有程度不等的高尿酸血症,一般而言,目前臨床上並不特別予以治療。但是如果高尿酸血症本身對腎臟有直接毒性,會加速腎臟變壞的速度,則對於慢性腎衰竭病人,甚至一般人,血中尿酸值勢必需嚴格控制。如果高尿酸血症本身對腎臟沒有直接毒性,那麼對沒有症狀的高尿酸血症病人,就不需要處方藥物去控制血清尿酸值。本研究藉由測量經不同濃度、不同時間尿酸處理後之狗腎小管上皮細胞(MDCK cells)豬腎小管上皮細胞(LCPK-1 cells)染色質濃縮現象,斷裂之去氧核糖核酸以及流式細胞儀細胞周期之比例來觀察尿酸是否引起腎小管上皮細胞之凋亡。我們發現單純高濃度尿酸對MDCK及LLCPK-1細胞並不會引起異常凋亡現象。然而是否尿酸會經由刺激血球細胞或血管內皮細胞產生炎性反應進而間接造成腎小管上皮細胞之凋亡則有待進一步研究。


Background: Although it is widely accepted overproduction of uric acid and hyperuricemia (especially in acutely treated myeloproliferative disease) can cause acute renal failure, it is less clear whether chronic hyperuricemia independently could result in chronic interstitial nephritis and progressive renal failure. This is an important issue because mossy patients with chronic renal failure have serum uric acid levels greater than 10 mg/dl due to diminished glomerular filtration and the effects of diuretics. Although moderate hyperuricemia is often clinically assumed not to be harmful to the kidney, it may not he true. To answer this question, we examined the effect of uric acid on cultures of renal epithelial cell lines. Methods: We used DNA condensation assay and flow cytometry to examine else apoptotic effect of uric acid ass MDCK cells and LLCPK cells. Results: We found uric acid lacks a direct apoptotic effect on renal epithelial cells, cress its high concentrations (4 mM) and for a long exposure time (49 hours). Conclusion: We concluded uric acid lacks a direct apoptotic effect ass MDCK and LLCPK cells. However: she combined influences of uric acid on vascular endothelial cells, blood cells and renal tubular cells need further research.


uric acid MDCK cells LLCPK cells apoptosis
