  • 期刊

Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea under the San Francisco Peace Treaty


Japan occupied the Paracel and Spratly Islands in 1939 and annexed both islands into the administrative jurisdiction of Taiwan. After World War IJ, the troops of the Republic of China were responsible for receiving both of the islands upon the surrender of the Japanese army. On April 28, 1952, the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force and the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty was signed, with both treaties stipulating that Japan renounce the right, title and claim to the Paracel and Spratly Islands. According to the principle of uti possidetis and occupation, the Republic of China has had the priority right of occupation to hold the right of sovereignty to both islands since that critical date.


Academia Historica. 1946. "Not Delimited Island Case." In File of Taiwan Province Administrative Official Government. July 12. Collection No. 00315800010001.
Chen, Tian Shi. 1928. Compilation of Files of the Paracel and Pratas Islands, Files of the Paracel Islands. Shanghai: The Commercial Press LTD.
Duowei xinwen (多維新聞, DW News). 2011. "Jindai lishi shang Zhongguo zhengfu wei Nanhai zhudao mingming de qingkuang" (近代歷史上中國政府為南海諸島命名的情況, The Naming of Islands of South China Sea by the Chinese Government in Modern History). June 16. http://history.dwnews.com/big5/news/2011-06-16/57814793.html.
Fujii, Toyosei (藤井豐政). 1939. "The Possession of Shinnan Islands." Chuokoron (中央公論) (Tokyo) 5, no. 622 (June): 154-58.
Ministry of Interior, Republic of China. 1947. "Forward into the Paracel and Spratly Islands." File No. 404.13/1, Lu Sen Fu Min No. 64650. September 13.
