  • 期刊

Delicacies for a Privileged Class in a Risk Society: The Chinese Communist Party's Special Supplies Food System


This paper discusses the history and operation of the tegong (special supplies) system for foodstuffs operated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The system has been in existence since the Yan'an period and is still being practiced today. It was originally introduced to deal with China's shortage economy during the era of Mao Zedong. Nowadays, the issue of food safety has made China a risk society, making it necessary for the CCP to provide its privileged class with food that is safe for consumption. We distinguish two categories of food supplies in terms of their operation: dedicated supplies for special needs and routine tegong. In addition, we believe that an alliance relationship between the government and food enterprises has emerged within the tegong system, with government officials and businesses colluding to their mutual benefit and profit. The paper concludes that the continuation of the tegong system signifies the persistence of a high degree of social inequality in modern-day China.


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