  • 期刊


China's Voting Behaviors of Peacekeeping Issues in UN Security Council


聯合國是現今國際社會中最重要的一個多邊組織之一,中共對聯合國的參與行爲,可作爲觀察其如何從抵制、孤立到積極融入與參與國際體系的政策發展模式,尤其當聯合國在冷戰結束之後,其重要性重新受到國際社會的重視,而中共又因其安理會常任理事國的地位,對於重要國際安全議題,同樣具有重大的影響力。因此,對於中共在聯合國安理會的參與行爲研究,實具有重要的意涵。 本文以研究中共在安理會對維和相關決議案的投票行爲爲例,主張除了透過政策的聲明變化之外,更須對中共各時期在安理會對維和相關決議案的投票行爲與發言記錄,進行比較分析,統計在不同階段當中,中共在安理會對維和相關決議案的投票記錄,以及投票前後相關的發言立場聲明,俾使我們能夠對於不同時期中共維和政策的發展與變化,提供更爲精確的敘述與比較的研究基礎,更可爲研究中共維和政策提供新的分析基礎與觀察切入點。


The United Nations is one of the most important multilateral institutions in the international society. After the end of Cold War, this institution has gained rebirth due to the need to manage more and more global interdependence and complicated international issues. The evolution of China's UN policy can be viwed as a good model to illustrate China's changing behavior patterns of participation of international community. This article tries to analyze China's voting behaviors of UN peacekeeping issues in UN Security Council during different period of time. Traditionally, scholars tend to cite China's official policy claims and documents to illustrate the evolution of China's foreign policy. The author argues that it is important to realize how China will vote and speak to peacekeeping issues in UN Security Council. This paper takes four steps to illustrate such trends. First, it introduces the origins and characteristics of voting system in UN Security Council. Secondly, it briefs the principles and development of UN peacekeeping operations. Thirdly, it tests China's peacekeeping policies by gathering China's voting behaviors and explanation of peacekeeping issues in UN Security Council. Finally, it summarizes some principles of China's strategic consideration for peacekeeping issues. By doing so, this article sharps a more delicate and profound framework for the evolution of China's peacekeeping policy.


