  • 期刊


Taipei and Beijing's Aid Competition in Africa


自一九五○年代以來,追求第三世界領導權,再加上與中華民國在國際社會上的外交競爭,均使得北京亟需獲得非洲國家的支持。由於中國大陸本身是一個經濟發展較為落後的開發中國家,故其提供大量經援給其他的開發中國家,說明了北京援外政策中,所隱含的強烈外交動機。因此北京的對外經援乃成為其整體外交政策中的重要一環。自一九七一年以來,我國所追求的外交政策目標,主要乃在於如何重返國際社會,並與其他國家建立良好的關係。在追求我國的外交政策和大陸政策之同時,我國乃積極推動所謂的務實外交,試圖突破北京在國際社會上對我國的封鎖。因此,海峽兩岸在非洲地區的外交競逐,亦強化了台北和北京之間的經援競賽。為了要分析與解釋外援和外交政策的關聯性,以及探討台北和北京如何利用外援來追求其外交目標,本文試圖從環境理論 (contextual approach)、援外分佈理論 (aid distribution approach),以及對元理論 (dyadic approach)等層面,來解釋在援助國和受援國之間的一種互動關係。


In order to pursue its leadership among the Third World countries (especially in African) and also to conduct its diplomatic competition with Taipei, Beijing has utilized foreign aid as an instrument to accomplishing her foreign policy goals. Since 1971, Taipei's primary foreign policy goals have also been to reenter the international community and to maintain or establish diplomatic relations with friendly countries. Foreign aid competition thus illustrates the struggle across the Taiwan Strait to establish diplomatic relations in Africa. This article adopts three approaches-the contextual approach, aid distribution approach, and dyadic approach-as an analytical framework to analyze and explain the interaction between aid donors and recipients.


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