  • 期刊


Introduction of the Veteran's Career-Change Placement Scheme in Mainland China


由於軍隊和中共政權存續的關聯性,中共對退伍軍隊幹部的安置甚為重視。在各種安置方式中,轉業安置是最重要者。 轉業安置乃:軍人退伍離開部隊後,交由國家機關分配工作轉業地方。安置的原則為:「從那裡來、回那裡去」。安置方針為:「妥善安置、各得其所」。基本上,在職軍階越高者,退伍後所能獲得的安置也月優渥。 轉業安置的作法,雖然對幹部的權益有所保障,卻相對造成地方機關沉重的負擔,產生諸多副作用。


There is a close relationship between the army and the Chinese Communist Party which continues to hold the reins of government. Therefore, the government has paid great attention to the scheme for settling retired or discharged army officers. The Career-change Placement Scheme has been the most important one among different kinds of these schemes. The Career-change Placement Scheme means government authorities will provide a proper position for all servicemen after they are retired or discharged from the army. The principle for the placement scheme is “where you come, where you go”. The goal for the placement scheme is “to make a proper arrangements, and to give everyone a proper position”. In general, higher ranking officers will be provided with a better position. Although the career-change placement scheme provides protection for those retired or discharged officers; however, it also creates a heavy burden on local government and produces many side effects.


