  • 期刊


Structural Constraints on Beijing's Environmental Protection Investment Strategy: Policy Studies and Policy Problem Resolution Feasibility as Seen from the Viewpoint of Louis Althusser


本文的任務在於:藉用法國一位研究意識形態的哲學家阿圖塞〈Louis Althusser〉的觀點,討論大陸官方和學界研究環保投資政策問題時出現的問題癥結在何處?要是想解決這類問題的話可以從何種角度考察問題?道理在哪裡?假如以這種方式來解決政策問題的話,又有何可行性?藉用阿圖塞的觀點說明問題,重點在突顯:研究政策要透析政策的「現實」、政策的實際情況,瞭解政策在哲理中內寒著的各種複雜結構組合,才能解剖出問題的所在。只有在活生生的地方,不要靠理論,也不要靠幻想,才可以切入到現實。這種結構主義的角度可以提供我們解決政策問題的道理在於:它讓我們看出,我們也必須把任何的政策問題視同處在活生生的現實環境中。政策問題既然是一個現實的問題,政策也就是一個現實的存在實體。瞭解政策在哲理中內含著的各種複雜結構組合,也等於解剖出問題的所在。因此本文的焦點不在批判其他人的研究或討論大陸環保投資政策的失誤,而在解析如何才能吃透問題所在,提出政策執行與革意見,而且又是如何具有可行性?


This paper uses the viewpoint of Louis Althusser a French philosopher who specialized in ideological studies-to discuss the crux of policy study problems among mainland Chinese government officials and scholars. Using Althusser’s viewpoint, the author’s chief objective is to emphasize that policy studies ought to rely on thoroughly analyzing the reality, the actual situation, and the complicated philosophical structural combinations of policies in order to find out where the trouble lies. The reality can only be grasped as they actually exist without depending on theories or illusions. This structuralist perspective can help us to resolve policy problems as being a living reality. As a policy problem is a problem of reality, the; policy itself is a real entity. Realizing the complicated philosophical structural combinations of the policy is tantamount to an understanding of policy problems. The aim of this article, therefore, is not to criticize the mistakes of other studies of Beijing’s environmental protection investment policy, but to explain how to reach to the center of the problems, to make policy implementation proposals, and to explain why these proposals are feasible.


陳墇津 Chen, Chang-Chin(2000)。中國大陸的環保投資政策:經驗與理論 The PRC's Environmental Protection Investment Policy: A Study of。中國大陸研究 Mainland China Studies。43(1)
