  • 期刊


An Analysis on the Neo-Institutionalist Paradigm of Contemporary Western China Studies




For half a century, the research models used in western China studies have demonstrated distinct trends: from totalitarianism to pluralism and the emergence of neo-institutionalism. Thomas Kuhn’s so-called “paradigm shift.” Rather than an exclusive focus on party and state elites, the neo-institutional perspective opens up society and economy and their relationship to the state as arenas of research. Thus social networks, markets, local-level administration, and the interest groups become objects of study. The source of China’s institutional change is economic reform, but the legacy of state socialist experiences and the constraints of traditional cultures force researchers to pay attention to non-economic factors. The emergence of the new approach, resulting from a similar trend within the discipline of political science, borrows largely from the adjoining disciplines of sociology and economics. Under the new paradigm, there are five new research issues in the field of China studies: why China has choosen gradualism, why rural China has developed rapidly and issues regarding Chinas market transition and social effects. state-society relations, and of political development. Such research not only contributes to the building of social science theories but also sets an example for Taiwan’s China studies.


徐斯儉 Hsu, Szu-Chien()。
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