  • 期刊


An Analysis of the "Factional Politics" Approach in the CCP: The Origin of the Great Leap Forward as an Example




In this article, we attempt to combine the paradigm of totalitarianism and pluralism to analyze the intent of ”factional politics”. Three main debates regarding ”factional politics” exist in academic circles, including the contributing factor to the theme, the quality of actor in factional politics, and the various outcomes of factional struggles? We take the origin of the Great Leap Forward as an example to examine the three arguments and to identify the conceptual foundation of factional politics. The findings of the research include: first, power struggle is the main cause of factional politics. Second, the informal groups are key actions in the factional polity. Lastly, the informal group resulting from the power struggle leads to zero-sum game consequences. We hope that by way of discussions of this article to clarity the concept of factional politics.


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