  • 期刊


A Perspective on the Expression of Urbanite Consumption: the News Coverage Comparison between People's Daily and Beijing Times on the "Two Conferences"


「全國政協會議」與「全國人民代表大會」(以下簡稱兩會)一向是中國共產黨例行自我合法化統治權的重要政治集會,因此如何正確報導就成為大陸黨報一項高度政治性的新聞處理工作。本文通過比較市民報京華時報與中共權威喉舌人民日報對「兩會」新聞的報導發現:人民日報大量使用了「建言表態」、「誇耀成就」、「凝聚團結」、「宣示政策」這種傳統從黨國立場出發的宣傳櫃架;然而在人民日報佔壟斷性地位的主導框架在京華時報中被邊緣化,京華時報轉而採用更多貼近市民閱讀的「傳達訊息」框架,從而解構了「兩會」報導合法化中共政權的「儀式化」功能。 配合報導框架的改變,京華時報在報導方式上引進西方媒體經常採用的解釋性新聞報導、深度新聞報導、調查性報導;同時在消息來源上,京華時報也逐步讓市民、讀者、專家學者發聲,試圖傳遞不同於兩會代表與新華社長期壟斷「兩會」發書下的聲音。不過,京華時報並未建構對抗性的報導框架,使其針對「兩會」新聞發展出這套「市民消費表述」的處理方式,成為市場運作邏輯與黨國制約邏輯下的平衡產物。


The National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference hereinafter cited as the ”two conferences” are two of the most important political assemblies of the Communist Party of China. Nominally, the Conferences are routinely held as formal meetings for the ruling Communist regime. How to cover their political manipulations correctly is the most delicate challenge for mainland party newspapers. This paper found that, by analyzing two sources of news coverage by the Beijing Times, a newly emerged urban newspaper, and the People's Daily, the official party propaganda establishment, that the latter tends to use traditional news frame for party- state propaganda. For example, ”showing fidelity by making flattering proposals”, ”boasting party achievements” , ”consolidating national unity” and ”policy announcement”. While the Beijing Times, on the other hand, uses a message-delivering frame, which is closer to city dwellers. By applying this strategy, the Beijing Times not only marginalizes the dominant monopoly frame of the People's Daily, but also successfully deconstructs the ritual functions of the news coverage of the two conferences. The Beijing Times changes the traditional news frame by introducing various reporting skills from the western media, such as interpretative reporting, depth reporting and investigative reporting, trying to convey voices different from those delivered by Xinhua News Agency and representatives from the ”two conferences”. Still, the Beijing Times dares not to construct news frame which will be viewed as a menace to the ruling leadership. Instead, the paper develops an alternative ”expression of urbanite consumption” reporting scheme, which is obviously a product of compromise between market mechanisms and the absolute authority of the party-state system.


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