  • 期刊


Anti-Extradition Movement in Taiwan: An Analysis of Contentious Gatherings


本研究以抗爭性集會(contentious gatherings)為中心,考察發生在臺灣的反送中運動。本文發現,反送中的訴求在臺灣獲得廣泛支持,很少有一件境外的議題可以引發如此密集的動員風潮。這場運動是由不同公民社會行動者所推動,呈現空間廣泛分布的特性。大部分的行動是由臺灣人所發起,由於其身分限制,香港人通常需要臺灣人的協助。學生與公民團體是推動臺灣反送中運動的主力,民進黨與獨派小黨也扮演了一定程度的角色。與香港的情況明顯不同,無組織的匿名行動是不常見的現象。儘管這些參與群體出發點不同,政黨、學生、公民團體、教會、律師的共同參與,等於是2014年太陽花運動聯盟的重新浮現。在最後,本文就提出若干臺灣反送中運動的特徵,包括廣泛而自發的參與、獨派團體的積極投入、香港人將臺灣視為運動主場的延續,而不是所謂的「國際線」。


反送中運動 臺灣 香港 抗爭事件


This article studies the anti-extradition movement in Taiwan by looking at contentious gatherings. Hongkongers' opposition to extradition against China's legal authorities found widespread support in Taiwan and gave rise to an intensified wave of mobilization, which was quite unusual since it was not a domestic issue after all. Taiwan's campaign was promoted by different civil-society actors and evenly spread geographically. Most of the initiators were Taiwanese, and due to their status limitation, Hongkongers' actions typically needed Taiwanese's help. While students and advocacy groups played the leading role, the involvement of the Democratic Progressive Party and other pro-independence parties was also considerable. Unlike what happened in Hong Kong, protest actions that were not pre-organized and anonymous were rare. Despite their different motivations, the participation of political parties, students, advocacy groups, churches, and lawyers represented a resurgence of those social forces that undergirded the 2014 Sunflower Movement. Finally, what happened in Taiwan cannot be easily subsumed under the idea of Hongkongers' "international front" because what happened in Taiwan involved widespread and spontaneous participation and involvement of pro-independence. In addition, Hongkonger activists also see Taiwan as a direct extension of their home front.


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