  • 期刊


A Case Report and Molecular Diagnostic Approaches of Acinetobacter junii from Cerebrospinal Fluid


我們發表羅東博愛醫院一例腦室外引流液感染少見Acinetobacter junii案例,陽性培養菌株經由Vitek 2,MALDI TOFms,16s rRNA及rpo B雙基因定序結果與NCBI Microbes database比對,三種不同方法鑑定結果都是A. junii。對微生物感染,病原種類繁多,傳統培養,已無法符合現代快速,高敏感性,高準確性要求,此外抗藥性細菌是對人類健康的重大威脅更是逐年升高,分子生物學是最佳工具,未來我們將朝此目標做相關研究,應用於臨床感染症診斷。


We reported here a rare case of extraventricular drainage with Acinetobacter junii infection. The strain was identified by Vitek 2, Maldi TOFms, and 16s rRNA and rpo B gene sequencing procedures. Although traditional bacterial cultures and identifications have been applied for clinical diagnosis for years, these procedures are unable to meet the needs for modern bacteriology laboratory, including time-consuming, sensitivity, accuracy and especially when dealing with growing numbers of clinical significant pathogens. Additionally, drug-resistant bacteria are also a major threat to treat patients. Therefore, advanced and practical techniques will be essential for modern laboratory. In this report, we have compared the uses of different latest technologies for diagnosis of A. junii from CSF. We hope the information would be able to arouse the interests of new technologies in clinical laboratories.


MALDI TOFms 16s rRNA rpo B NCBI Microbes database
