  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Group Psychotherapy with Agenda-Oriented Interpersonal Approach for Schizophrenic Day-patients






A group psychotherapy adopting agenda-oriented interpersonal approach was conducted over eight schizophrenic patients who have apparent interpersonal difficulties. The authors choose the following instruments to evaluate the treatment effect: 1) attendance rate; 2) the symptom check list (SCL-90) rated by patients; 3) group therapeutic factors form rated by patients; and 4) the SYMLOG adjective rating scale recorded by observers. In the beginning, this group was composed of eight patients. Five completed the entire forty-six weekly sessions, while three dropped out. The three phases of whole group process were divided into eight stages according to the development of group interactions. The following results are derived from this study; 1) Group members tooked about one and a half months to adjust to this group (the venting stage); 2) The group development was affected in the middle phase by unstable attendance after dropping out of two patients (the unstable stage); 3) Role play and role reversal techniques were used to improve communicating skill with an interpersonal approach in the final phase (the reality testing stage); 4) The change of a female occupational therapist serving as cotherapist had influenced more on the group development than male psychiatrists; and 5) The agenda concerning their family relationship were presented more frequently in final phase.


