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Effectiveness of an Independent Living Skills Training Group for Clients with Chronic Psychiatric lllness


本研究旨在探討長期住院病患參加獨立生活技巧訓練團體後,其獨立活技巧是否有進步及生活品質是否有提昇。本研究採用類實驗設計,篩選某療養院參加工作訓練之病患42名,隨機分為兩組,一組為實驗組,一 組為對照組,實驗組參加立起期8週、每週2次、每次一小時之獨立生活技巧訓練團體,對照組則維持原來的工作訓練。研究者就其在「褚氏日常生活 功能評量表(二)」及「生活品質量表」之得分,以獨立樣本t檢定,分析實驗組與對照組在治療前後之改變。研究結果顯示,實驗組所接受的治療使參與者在日常生活功能主明顯的改善;而在生活品質的改變方面,除了「自覺經濟功能」有明顯的降低,與對照組在其他生活品質項目的改變並沒有明顯差異。由此建議臨床職能治療師可考慮應用獨立生活技巧訓練團體,來改善接受職業復健之精神病患的日常生活功能障礙;至於生活品質方面,除了單一醫療層面的努力,另需多層面的配合,包括非社會福利政策、家屬支持、教育程度、文化等。


The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the independent living skills of prolong-hospitalized patients were improved after attending the independent living skills training group, and whether there was corresponding improvement in quality of life. The research design was a quasi-experimental design. The participants of the study were composed of 42 patients, receiving prevocational training at a psychiatric institute. They were randomly assigned to either the experimental group, receiving the proposed group therapy for 8 weeks; or the control group, receiving the regularly provided services. The instruments used in this study included the Chus' Activities of 0eily Living Scale (ver. 2) end the Quality of Life Scale. Independent-sample t tests were used to compare score-change between the control and the experimental groups. The results indicated that there was statistically significant improvement in ADL scores for the experimental group, but no corresponding improvement was found in quality of life scores. It is suggested that occupational therapy practitioners may apply the independent living skills training group to enhance the function of activities of daily living for clients during the processes of vocational rehabilitation. Improvement of quality of life may require collaboration among medical professionals, warfare policies, family, education, end so forth.


林靜蘭(2007)。疾病管理模式於重返社區之精神分裂症病患 的成效性研究〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01593
