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A Survey of Awareness and Satisfaction on Assistive Technology Services in Taipei


輔具服務輸送模式與輔具使用成效息息相關,而民眾對於輔具相關政策的瞭解程度,是探討輔具服務輸送的重要議題,目前國內鮮少研究由民眾的觀點來探討輔具服務及相關政策,本研究將針對曾接受輔具中心服務之台北市民眾與身心障礙者對於輔具政策的認識作一探討,同時進行輔具服務成效滿意度的調查,以做為未來服務改進及相關政策之建言。 研究對象為民國93年4月至94年6月間,曾在台北市政府社會局所委託之北區輔具中心(台大醫院)及南區輔具中心(第一輔具資源中心)接受服務之台北市民眾,並進行隨機抽樣。研究工具為依兩中心的各項輔具服務及關心議題所制訂的問卷,包含評估,檢測,維修,租借,回收,政策等,並以電話訪問方式進行調查,共蒐集301份有效問卷(評估121份,檢測49份,維修33份,租借16份,回收20份,政策62份)。 結果顯示:接受台北市二輔具中心服務受訪者中9%會棄用輔具。94%的受訪者認可所使用輔具的助益,七成以上的受訪者認為經治療師評估再取得輔具是有幫助,且認可輔具中心治療師評估輔具的能力。各項服務之滿意度方面,以評估服務的滿意度為最佳(97%滿意),但在維修服務方面,部分受訪者因覺得技術人員的效率不佳或技巧不足以致滿意度僅約75%。另在民眾認知方面發現受訪者普遍對輔具服務及相關政策認知不足,對於如何取得相關資源感到困難,且少有受訪者曾取得基本輔具維護資訊。服務政策方面,發現受訪者較不傾向藉由維修服務延長輔具補助年限,然對使用二手輔具接受性尚佳。 接受台北市二輔具中心服務之民眾,對專業治療師的輔具評估服務予以肯定。未來仍應加強維修服務之品質,並應強化宣導輔具相關制度,增進輔具使用知能,並積極規劃整體性輔具回收與租借制度,以提升輔具服務成效與滿意度。


滿意度 輔具 服務 認知 問卷調查

Parallel abstracts

The delivery system of assistive technology services (ATS) is highly correlated to the utilization of assistive technology. Consumer's awareness of ATS and its policies is one focus in the success of the ATS delivery system. This study investigates the awareness of ATS and the related policies among Taipei residents who received such services, and examines the preliminary effectiveness and satisfaction of those who received ATS. During the time from April 2004 to June 2005, subjects were randomly selected for questionnaire administration and were composed of Taipei residents who received ATS from the two assistive technology centers sponsored by the Welfare Bureau of Taipei City Government. The questionnaires were developed based on literary reviews and expert group meetings. The content of the questionnaire addressed six major issues regarding the evaluation, check-out, repairs, rental, recycle, and policy of ATS. This survey was administered via phone interview, and 301 valid questionnaires were gathered. The results showed: 9% of subjects who had received ATS abandoned their assistive devices, 94% of subjects approved the benefit of assistive devices, and over 70% of subjects favored prescription of assistive technology upon therapists' evaluation before purchasing. Regarding consumers' satisfaction of services provided, 97% of subjects were satisfied with the evaluation process, while 25% were not satisfied with the repair services due to its low efficiency and poor repair skills of technicians. Concerning ATS and its policies, the subjects were found with limited awareness and reported difficulty in obtaining AT-related information and resources. This survey also showed that most users did not receive instructions on the proper use and maintenance of their AT devices. In addition, it was suggested that the subsidy application process should be simplify. Finally, they results show that it may not be feasible to extend the time limit for funding by providing repair service, while the usage of second-hand devices seems to be accepted. Subjects receiving ATS at assistive technology centers were highly satisfied with the evaluation services provided by therapists. To further improve services, suggestions included simplifying the subsidy application process and enhancing the promotion of ATS while boosting public awareness. The rental and recycle systems of ATS should also be strategically planned and implemented for the improvement of customers' satisfaction and efficiency when using ATS.

Parallel keywords

assistive device service survey awareness satisfaction

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