  • 期刊


Isokinetic Training Effects on Knee Joint Muscular Groups of Stroke Patients


本研究目的在於利用CYBEX 6000等速肌力訓練儀來驗證等速肌力訓練對於中風病人之療效。本研究收集中風病人12人(實驗組8人、對照組4人),進行每週三次、為期六周之治療。每次治療時間為30分鐘,對照組只接受傳統運動治療,實驗組則於傳統運動治療中接受15分鐘的等速肌力訓練,在 60˚/s、120˚/s、180˚/s各做10次全力等速膝伸屈運動。治療起始與結束時均進行等速肌力測試與步行速度測量,後以重複測試多變項變異數分析法進行統計分析。結果發現所有受試者於實驗結束後患側膝屈肌肌力及步行速度均有顯著進步,然實驗組與對照組間並無顯著差異。而患側膝伸肌肌力雖有進步卻無顯著意義,且兩組間亦無顯著差異。由此可知等速肌力訓練對中風病人有顯著療效,尤其對膝屈肌肌力之增強與步行速度之提昇格外有效。


The purpose of this study was to determine the training effects of exercise on the hemiparetic patients. Twelve chronic stroke subjects (8 males, 4 females), aged 42 to 66 years, were assigned to either a control group or an experimental group. All of the subjects participated in a conventional therapeutic exercise program three sessions a week for six weeks. The experimental group also received isokinetic training on their knee flexor/extensor instead of part of conventional program. Muscle strength and deficits of strength of the affected knee flexors/extensors and walking speed were examined in each subject before and after the six-week experimental period. All the subjects showed significant improvement in the strength and deficit of affected knee flexors and walking speed (p<0.05). The differences in the improvement between the two groups were shown to be insignificant. The improvement in the strength and deficit of affected knee extensors was also noted although insignificant. In conclusion, although isokinetic exercise does not show superiority to conventional therapeutic exercise program, it does bring positive effect to hemiparetic patient especially on the relatively weak or slowly recovered muscles such as the knee flexors of stroke patients.
