

類癌可能是原發性或轉移性,每個病例應視為轉移性直到發現原發部位。這些腫瘤通常發生在消化道,較常見於闌尾、迴腸、直腸。原發性肝類癌相當罕見,除非臨床上懷疑,否則不易診斷。其生長速度緩慢,可手術切除的病例,預後不錯。因此早期診斷、適當的治療是存活的關鍵。 我們報告一位22歲男性病人因右上腹痛,經一系列檢查包括腹部超音波、放射學檢查、組織病理學併免疫化學染色,及內視鏡檢查,查無其他病灶,而診斷為原發性肝類癌,這位病人後來因肝衰竭死亡。


Carcinoid tumors can either be primary or metastatic and every case should be treated as the latter until a primary focus is found. These tumors are usually found in the gastrointestinal tract with predilection for the appendix, terminal ileum and rectum. Primary hepatic carcinoid tumors are very rare and obtaining a correct diagnosis on the first hospital visit is usually impossible unless there is a high index of suspicion. They are slow growing, usually resectable and have a good prognosis. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can be life saving. We present a 22 year-old male who had right upper quadrant abdominal pain. After intensive work-up using ultrasound, radiologic examination, histopathology with immunochemical staining and endoscopic procedures short of surgery, the patient was considered as a case of primary hepatic carcinoid tumor. The patient later died because of hepatic failure.
