  • 期刊

The Consistency of 13C Phenylalaline Breath Test in Healthy Taiwanese Volunteers



研究背景與目的:碳十三苯胺基丙酸呼氣試驗是利用偵測呼氣中碳十三標記二氧化碳的產生來估算體內苯胺基丙酸氧化脢的活性。目前已有許多篇報告顯示,這試驗和病人的肝功能與預後有良好的相關。因爲目前尚無文獻針對碳十三苯胺基丙酸呼氣試驗的一致性來探討,所以我們就設計本研究於健康的成年人來探討此一問題。 研究方法:我們讓13位健康成年人自願加入研究者於兩週之內接受兩次碳十三苯胺基丙酸呼氣試驗。經隔夜禁食後,受檢者服用含100毫克碳十三標記的苯胺基丙酸溶液50毫升。呼氣檢體是由基準點及服藥後第一小時內每隔10分鐘收集一次,第二個小時每隔30分鐘收集一次,然後用紅外線同位素分析儀來分析這些呼氣的檢體。我們計算各個時間點的碳十三苯胺基丙酸的氧化速率及累積代謝排出率,然後用Spearman相關檢測來比較前後兩次呼氣試驗的資料。 結果:對於這兩次碳十三苯胺基丙酸呼氣試驗的氧化速率於10、20、30、40、50、60、90及120分鐘時Spearman相關係數爲r=-0.044、-0.239、0.478、0.231、0.374、0.346、0.132及0.747。對於其累積代謝排出率於10、20、30、40、50、60、90及120分鐘時Spearman相關係數爲r=-0.044、-0.159、-0.11、0.038、0.082、0.11、0.38及0.099。這兩次的數據並沒有良好的相關。 結論:我們的小型先驅性研究顯示碳十三苯胺基丙酸呼氣試驗之氧化速率或是累積代謝排出率,除在120分鐘的氧化速率之外,在台灣健康成年人的測試並沒有良好的一致性。這一部分的問題可能需要更多的研究來釐清。


Background and Purpose: 13C-phenylalanine breath test was designed to estimate the phenylalanine hydroxylase activity by detecting 13CO2 production in the breath samples after ingestion of labeled 13C-phenylalanine. There were several reports that it correlated well with the liver functions and prognosis of patients. Since there is still no report about the consistency for 13C-PBT, we designed this study to test its consistency in healthy volunteers. Method: We enrolled 13 healthy adult volunteers to receive twice 13C-phenylalanine breath test within 2 weeks. After an overnight fast, they ingested 100 mg L-[1-13C] phenylalanine in 50 ml water and then breath samples were collected at baseline and then with 10 minute interval till 1 hour, then 30 minute interval to 2 hours. These samples are assayed with Infra Red Isotope Analyzer. We calculated the oxidation rate of 13C-phenylalanine and its cumulative excretion percentage at each time point and compared the data of the first and second tests obtained from the same person with Spearman coefficient test. Results: The Spearman coefficients of the first and second tests for the oxidation rate were r=-0.044, -0.239, 0.478, 0.231, 0.374, 0.346, 0.132, 0.747 at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90 & 120 minutes respectively; for the cumulative excretion percentage, r=-0.044, -0.159, -0.11, 0.038, 0.082, 0.11, 0.38, 0.099 at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90 & 120 minutes respectively. The correlations were all not good. Conclusions: Our small pilot study demonstrated that the consistency of 13C-PBT, either for phenylalanine oxidation rate or cumulative excretion percentage, were not good except for the hydroxylation rate at 120 minutes in healthy Taiwanese volunteers. More studies are needed to clarify this issue.
