  • 期刊


Applying Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing on the Optimal Design of Sewer Networks-A Case Study of National Chung Hsing University


污水下水道系統的建設乃減低生活污水的環境負荷,以提昇生活品質的有效方法。政府施政藍圖-「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」之水與綠建設計畫中也編列了總經費新台幣1,047.36億元來推動污水下水道建設,以提高用戶接管的普及率。有鑑於污水下水道的建設經費十分龐大,因此如何運用有限的預算,進行最具效益的工程設計,實為一值得深入探討的議題。此外,由於目前大多數成立較久的既設學校,在建校之初並未規劃校區內之污水收集系統,以致校區內所產生之污水無法與公共污水下水道納管銜接。本研究應用禁忌搜尋法(Tabu Search, TS)與模擬退火法(Simulated Annealing, SA)兩種優選技術,配合自行建立的污水下水道成本函數,以國立中興大學校園為研究案例,進行污水下水道幹管配置的最佳化設計。研究結果顯示,TS與SA皆可以在符合各項設計規範的條件下,有效地求得污水下水道之最小建設成本,均可作為污水下水道工程設計人員的輔助工具。其中SA展現出較TS為優的求解能力,可更有效率地在較少的搜尋次數內獲得品質較佳的解答。


The construction of sewage system is an effective way to reduce the environmental loading caused by domestic wastewater and thus raise the higher living quality. Therefore, 104.74 billion is listed in the government administration blueprint ”Challenge 2008: Nation Focus of Development Plan- Water and Green Architecture Project” to promote the construction of sewage system. Hoping that the household connection-pipe rate and the public sanitary sewage served rate will be raised. Since the construction costs of sewer system networks are usually very huge, it is necessary to employ suitable techniques to obtain cost-efficient designs. This study employs tabu search (TS) and simulated annealing (SA), both belong to the heuristic algorithm family, and sewer system cost functions to solve the leastcost problem of sewer system networks. The designs of the campus sewer network in National Chung Hsing University are used as the case study. The results indicate that SA can effectively and efficiently obtain the least costs of sewer system network designs, and can become an useful tool for engineers.


