  • 期刊


Development and Application of 2-D Soft Bedrock River Incision Model




Steep slopes and severe bed changes are the channel characteristics in Taiwan's rivers. These characteristics often cause the bed armor layer flushed away, then make the soft bedrock exposed, increase the channel incision, and endanger the safety of prediction works. Hydraulic models of past few decades often aimed at the simulation of alluvial channel's sediment transport. However, the soft bedrock river incision processes are different from those of alluvial rivers. In this study, a 2-D soft bedrock incision model was developed. The study case is the downstream reach of JiJi Weir of Choshui River. Model calibration, validation, and sensitivity analysis were executed. The comparison of the calculated bed changes with field data shows the numerical model is capable of predicting bedrock incision in complex river bed, with reasonable accuracy and reliability. The sensitivity test provides the suggestion of selecting important parameters in the bedrock incision model.
