  • 期刊


Establishing a Three-Dimensional Failure Criterion of Liuchunghsi Sandstone Using Hollow Cylinder Tests


為評估CO2地質封存時的注儲壓力,除了瞭解儲氣層的現地應力外,還必須瞭解儲氣層岩石的破壞準則。但由於一般岩層在覆岩應力與大地應力推擠作用之下,使現地應力環境非常複雜,即三個主應力皆不相同(σ1≠σ2≠σ3)的狀態。因此,若能建立儲氣層岩石的三維應力破壞準則,將能有助於評估CO2地質封存之注儲壓力。所以,本研究將針對西南部具封存潛能之牛山背斜的氣乾六重溪層砂岩進行中空三軸試驗,探討儲氣層岩石在不同靜水壓力及偏差角情況下的軸差應力變化,並根據試驗結果建立儲氣層岩石的三維應力破壞準則,包括有Mohr-Coulomb破壞準則、Hock & Brown破壞準則、Kim & Lade破壞準則三種。最後,利用建立的三維應力破壞準則評估六重溪層砂岩的注儲壓力。


Understanding the in-situ stresses of geological CO2 reservoir rock together with its failure criterion is significant to estimate its maximum allowable storage pressure. The in-situ stresses are very complicated since the three principal stresses are all different (σ1≠σ2≠σ3). For this reason, establishing the three-dimensional failure criterion of geological CO2 storing rock helps estimate its storage pressure Therefore, hollow cylinder tests are proceeded on Liuchunghsi Sandstone, which is the reservoir rock of Nioushan Anticline in southwest Taiwan. The three-dimensional failure criterion is established based on deviatoric stress variation under different hydrostatic pressures and angle of deviations. Then, the maximum allowable storage pressure of Liuchunghsi Formation sandstone can be estimated using the established three-dimensional failure criterion.
