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Studies on the Fruit Disorder of Mango (cv. Chin-huang) in Liu-Kwei Area


六龜地區金煌芒果劣變,經三年田間試驗結果,在高氮低鈣吸收下,果實劣變情形嚴重,正常果實中氮含量約為45~104 mg/kg,鈣含量約32~73 mg/kg,氮/鈣比值,其範圍在1.23~1.50。生理劣變果實中氮含量約62~128 mg/kg,鈣含量約16.7~50 mg/kg,氮/鈣比值較高,其範圍在2.06~5.90。正常果實及生理劣變果實中硼含量相近,在0.16~0.35 mg/kg。由本試驗結果可知,果實中鈣的含量與果實劣變有關,但是鈣並非造成果實劣變的唯一因素。氮在果實中含量,隨果實的成長並無顯著的變化,表示氮在果實成長期繼續吸收,並轉移至果實;相反的,鈣在果實中含量,隨果實的成長而降低,因此氮/鈣比值,隨果實成長而增加。探討氮/鈣比值與果實劣變的關係,發現二者呈顯著的正相關,表示氮/鈣比值才是影響金煌芒果劣變的主要原因。為降低果實劣變,在缺鈣果園,宜在開花前後補充鈣肥,並在乾旱期酌加灌溉,以確保鈣肥的吸收利用。在果實生育後期,宜控制氮肥的施用,以減少氮之吸收,降低氮/鈣比值。若於開花至幼果期,地面酌量補充水分及施用鈣資材,可提高果實中鈣含量,降低氮/鈣比及劣變率。


芒果 果實病變 氮/鈣比 施肥


After three years of field experiments, the fruit disorder of mango (cv. Chin-Huang) in Liu-Kwei area was proven to be caused by high nitrogen and low calcium uptake by plants. For the normal fruits, the nitrogen and calcium contents were about 45-104 mg/kg and 32-73 mg/kg, respectively. The N/Ca ratios were ranged from 1.23 to 1.50. For the disorder fruits, however, the nitrogen and calcium contents were about 62-128 mg/kg and 16.7-50 mg/kg, respectively, The N/Ca ratios were ranged from 2.06 to 5.90. The degree of disorder fruit increased when the N/Ca ratios within the fruit become greater. Besides, the range of boron contents within the fruits were 0.16-0.35 mg/kg, and there were not much different between the normal and disorder fruits. Based on the survey data of rainfall, it was found that from blooming to juvenile fruit stage, low precipitation may affect the calcium uptake, so that me calcium content of the fruit will be lower. On the other hand, if a high precipitation is found after climacteric stage, it will promote the nitrogen uptake und increase the nitrogen content within the fruit. Thus, if the distribution of the rainfall is abnormal, low precipitation before juvenile fruit stage and high precipitation after climacteric stage, the N/Ca ratio of the fruit at later stages will be high, resulting in high percentage of disorder fruits. For increasing the calcium content within the fruit, and declining the N/Ca ratio and rate of disorder fruits of mango, it is suggested to supply water and apply calcium fertilizer during the blooming stage.


Mango Disorder fruit N/Ca ratio Fertilization
