  • 期刊


A Study on the Western-style Architectures of Taiwan in the Late Ching Period: Customhouse, Consulate, Lighthouse and Foreign Firm House


西元1858(咸豐8)年清廷與西方各國簽訂〈天津條約〉之後,台灣的淡水、台灣府、雞籠及打狗成為國際通商口岸,隨後西方的海關人員、領事館人員、商人、傳教士、專業技術人員等自各地來台,並自行或協助興建了洋關、燈塔、領事館、洋行、教會、醫院、學校、住宅、砲台、交通、產業、機器、墓園等建築物。 本文首先蒐集整理此時期在台西方人的營建歷程及保存現況,其次歸納討論這些由西方人所興建的建築物的形式。一般來說,他們所興建的廳舍或住宅均具有抬高地坪、寬敞的陽台、外緣擁有連續磚拱、厚重的磚造屋身、大面積的斜屋頂等特質;至於燈塔、砲台、交通廠房、機器及產業廠房、電信電報廠房之外形則來自於其功能;教堂、墓園之外形多摹倣自其母國的傳統形式。


After the Tien-chin Treaty (天津條約) was signed between the Ching Empire and the western countries in 1858 A. D., the Tan-shui (淡水), Tai-wan-fu (台灣府), Keelung (雞龍), and Ta-kuo (打狗) of Taiwan were designated as international harbors. From then on, people from the western countries, including customs staffs, diplomats, merchants, Christian and Catholic priests, and technologists came to Taiwan from all over the world. They built many constructions on Taiwan, either based on their own needs or to meet the needs of the Ching Empire, such as customhouses, lighthouses, consulates, chapels, cathedrals, hospitals, schools, fortifications, ammunition and machine factories, telegram factories, and cemeteries. In this article, I first collect and organize data regarding the construction process and conservation status of these buildings constructed by the western people during this period, and then I will introduce and discuss the forms of these buildings. Generally speaking, among these buildings, the office buildings and residence possess the following five common characteristics: raised floors, spacious corridors, sequent arches outside the corridors, thick break walls, and huge inclined roofs. The forms of lighthouses, fortifications, ammunition and machine factories, and telegram factories were mainly subject to their function, while those of the chapels, cathedrals, and cemeteries were copied from those of the designer's home countries.


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