  • 期刊


The Puzzle of the Method of Physical Action-A Study of the Stanislavsky System


眾所周知史氏在晚年時有了很大的變化,他由原先對演員內心體驗的努力探討,轉變為對外在形體動作的狂熱追求。然而,很可惜的是,史氏在逝世前,卻來不及將他晚年如此熱心研究的表演方法,也就是所謂的肢體動作法,清楚完整地記錄下來,目前所能找到的,只有一些零星片段的手稿。再加上許多重要的資料多為俄文,譯成英文的極少。這一切,加深了西方世界人士想要研究肢體動作法的困難性。 這也就是為什麼,在西方,探討肢體動作法的文獻非常的少。由於大家都不太了解,也難以了解,因此,當許多英美學者在書籍或論述中提到肢體動作法時,不是幾句話含糊帶過,就是以訛傳訛,將自己也不甚理解的錯誤觀念散播給讀者。這種現象著實令人心驚。再加上在蘇聯,此一方法更是被嚴重扭曲地濫用,使得史氏晚年極為看重的肢體動作法不幸地被包圍在一團巨大的迷霧之中。 本文試圖探討肢體動作法的本質及其與體系之間的關係,並試著釐清,究竟它是否為體系之中的一種方法,還是體系之外的另一種表演方法。本文也試圖澄清西方與蘇聯學者專家對肢體動作法的一些謬誤觀念。希望透過本文的分析與澄清,能消除大眾的疑惑,並破解已存在許久的有關肢體動作法的迷思!


In the last few years of his life, Constantin Stanislavsky's practice underwent a radical change. Before, he had spent many years analyzing the creative processes and inner feelings of the actor; but now he felt there was an urgent need to pursuit an actor's physical actions. This new approach was called by him ”the Method of Physical Action”. His exploration of the physical action seems interesting to many people; unfortunately, he did not finish writing a clear and full explanation of his new practice before his death in 1938. Only some fragments of his manuscripts were left. To the Westerners, the understanding of the Method of Physical Action becomes extremely difficult. On the one hand, it has been regarded as an unfinished experiment of Stanislavsky, thus, it is not worth researching; on the other hand, many significant documents are in Russian, and they have not yet been translated into English. Such being the case, the research on the Method of Physical Action becomes fairly limited, and even scholars or experts who do research on the subject do not truly understand it. This paper intends to explore the essence of the Method of Physical Action. It also tries to study the relationship between the Method of Physical Action and the System, and to answer the question: whether it is an independent method or a part of the System. Moreover, this paper clarifies some misunderstandings many scholars and experts have, including Sonia Moore. The researcher hopes that through analysis the hidden meanings of the Method of Physical Action will be clearly revealed.


Anatoly Smeliansky(1991).The Last Decade: Stanislavsky and Stalinism.Theater.22(2),10.
Burnet M. Hobgood(1986).Stanislavski's Books: An Untold Story.Theater Survey.27(l&2),156-158.
Foster Hirsch(1984).A Method to Their Madness: The History of the Actors Studio.New York:W. W. Norton & Company.
Harold Clurman(1977).On Directing.New York:Collier books.
Jack Poggi(1973).The Stanislavsky System in Russia.The Drama Review.17(1),125-126.


嚴藝文(2005)。回歸原點的表演--《鳥》與《Hot Blood Woman》之演出工作報告〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0014-1002200723243400
