  • 期刊

Application of Alendronate in Breast Cancer Patient with Letrozole Treatment



背景:探討alendronate應用於治療乳癌患者因使用letrozole造成骨質疏鬆病例分析及文獻回顧。 病例報告:一位65歲乳癌患者於2001年接受左側乳房切除手術,術後接受5年tamoxifen治療,之後給予letrozole輔助療法以避免乳癌轉移,不幸患者因跌倒造成腰椎第一節壓迫性骨折,我們給予alendronate治療,一年後追蹤其骨密度發現由-2.8SD進步至-2.6SD,同時疼痛指數由9降至2。 結論:本文報告一位乳癌患者接受letrozole輔助療法,之後出現骨質疏鬆及脊椎壓迫性骨折,我們處方alendronate給這位病患,其骨密度改善且背痛獲得緩解。


乳癌 letrozole 骨質疏鬆 alendronate


Objective: To discuss alendronate used in an osteoporotic breast cancer patient treated with letrozole and review the current literature. Case Report: The 65-year-old woman was a patient with left breast cancer who underwent operation in 2001. After five years of tamoxifen treatment, letrozole was given as an adjuvant therapy to prevent cancer metastasis. She suffered from falling down later, resulting in L1 compression fracture confirmed by X-ray examination. We applied alendronate to treat her L1 compression fracture. After one-year treatment, her dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) report revealed the spine bone mineral density (BMD) had improved from -2.8 SD to -2.6 SD and visual pain scale (VAS) decreased from 9 to 2. Conclusions: We described a case of breast cancer patient treated with letrozole who encountered osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture later. In this case, alendronate therapy had good efficacy in pain control by improving BMD.


breast cancer letrozole osteoporotic alendronate
