  • 期刊


The Development of Taiwan by the Mainland in History


早在遠古時代,大陸與台灣是連在一起的,距今一萬兩千年至四萬五千年,台灣發生海退,海平面下降,大陸閩越人在此進入台灣,成為台灣的原住民,這是大陸最早對台灣的開發者。以後,從公元二三O年的三國時代,吳國國王孫權派遣官兵進入台灣,並經歷了隋煬帝,南宋以及明朝萬歷年間,顏思齊,鄭芝龍對台灣的開發都作出貢獻。鄭成功在一六二二年以荷蘭殖民者收復台灣後,他和兒子鄭經對台灣實行軍屯,民屯,使台灣的農業有很大發展,對外貿易方面也取得豐碩的成果。 清朝對台灣的開發,其規模是空前的。雍正年間,大陸人民到台灣不過十萬人,到了嘉慶十六年(公元1811年)台灣人口也增至二百萬三千八百六十一人。由於興修水利和引進水稻新品種,乾隆中期,台灣每年可輸出大陸的大米達五十萬石以上、樟腦、甘蔗的生產與輸出以為世人所矚目。


In time immemorial, the mainland and Taiwan were connected, and it was not until about 12000 to 45000 years ago that the sea regressed and the sea level dropped. People from Min-nan and Bai-yueh on the mainland immigrated to Taiwan and became the aboriginals as well as the earliest developers. In the Period of Three Kingdoms (230 A. D.), Sun Quan, the king of Wu, sent troops to Taiwan. Then throughout the rule of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, the Southern Sung Dynasty and the Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty, people like Yan Si-Qi and Zheng Zhi-long contributed to the development of Taiwan. After Zheng Cheng-gong restored Taiwan from Dutch colonials in 1662, his son Zheng Jing built garrisons and settlements here, which resulted in the significant development in the agriculture and foreign trade of Taiwan. In the Qing Dynasty, the government's development of Taiwan was unforeseen. During the rule of Emperor Yongzheng, only one hundred thousand people emigrated from the mainland to Taiwan. By the sixteenth year of Emperor Jiaqing (1811 A. D.), the population of Taiwan increased to two million, three thousand, eight hundred and 61 people. Due to the construction of hydraulic systems and the introduction of new species of rice, in the middle of Emperor Qianlong's rule, Taiwan exported noticeably abundant rice, camphor and sugarcanes to the mainland.


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