  • 期刊

W. David Hal l: Paul Ricoeur and the Poetic Imperative-The Creative Tension between Love and Justice


Hall, W. David(2007).Paul Ricoeur and the Poetic Imperative - The Creative Tension Between Love and Justice.Albany:State University of New York Press.
Schrag, Calvin O.(2004).ConvergenceAmidst Difference: Philosophical Conversations Across National Boundaries.Albany:State University of New York Press.
Schrag, Calvin O.(2003).Communicative Praxis and the Space of Subjectivity.West Lafayette, IN:Purdue University Press.
Marion, Jean-Luc(1991).God without Being - hors texte.Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.
Derrida, Jacques(1982).Margins of Philosophy.Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.
