  • 期刊


"Culture of Unity" of Chiara Lubich: 360° Dialogue as a New Paradigm of Cultural Diffusion


文化擴散理論(Theory of Cultural Diffusion),起始包亞士(Franz Boas,1858-1942),至克魯伯(Alfred Louis Kroeber,1876-1960)發揚光大。其後,不同的文化擴散理論在後續人類學家的理解之下逐漸建立。例如,主張不同文化源自於單一文化根源的「太陽擴散理論」(Heliocentric diffusion);強調一個新穎的概念能夠以一定的方式,隨時間在社會系統的各種成員間進行傳播的過程的「創新擴散理論」(Theory of Evolutionary Diffusion)等。諸此文化擴散理論嘗試由各個不同的角度來理解與解釋文化之間的交融與傳遞現象,以及相互的影響。人類學家之所以談論人種的根源、文化之間權力的消長、文化信息傳遞的模式,最終的目的無非是希望能夠找出文化彼此之間的共同的根源,好能更加清晰地理解文化的產生與其開枝散葉的情況。這樣的思考在後來社會經濟型態的轉變中,進入了全球化(Globalization)的文化模式。全球化思潮的興起使得各個文化的特殊性逐漸減弱,塑造了所謂的「世界地球村」(Global Village)的文化概念。這樣的文化發展看來似乎讓各個文化之間的距離越來越近,然而卻讓文化的共同根源成為了某種經濟產物,文化間的對話進入了一個以物質為交談基礎的場域裡。本文希望能夠在這些文化模式的轉換當中,重新思考一個能夠讓文化之間進行更深入的交談,並可幫助所有文化進行對話並回歸根源的嶄新文化模式。普世博愛運動創辦人盧嘉勒由二次世紀大戰以來,以「合一」為思想基礎,聚合了不同的文化之間的交談:信仰文化、政治文化、經濟文化、媒體文化、藝術文化。她以一個不同於以往的文化模式:「合一的文化」創造了所謂的360°的交談文化。這個交談的文化模式讓不同文化間產生了深入對話,同時亦能使其保有其各自的特殊性。「合一的文化」究竟帶來了甚麼樣的嶄新文化交融與擴散的理念,本文試圖透過盧嘉勒的思想,探究一個文化擴散理論的新典範。


The Cultural Diffusion theory (Theory of Cultural Diffusion), started by Franz Boas (1858-1942), to Alfred Louis Kroeber (1876-1960). Subsequently different cultural diffusion theories have been gradually established under the subsequent anthropologists understanding. For example, ”Heliocentric diffusion” proposes that all cultures originated from a single civilization; the ”theory of evolutionary diffusion”-when a specific innovation coincides across all cultures, to explain how an idea or innovation has somehow happened simultaneously in multiple cultures. Anthropologists has been consistently discusses about the root of the race, the ebb and flow of power relations between cultures, the model of cultural information exchanging for hoping to be able to identify the common root among cultures. This kind of consideration goes into the cultural patterns of ”Globalization” though the new socio-economic patterns. The Rise of globalization makes the specificity of each culture gradually weakened, the shape of the so-called ”Global Village” has been formed, namely a new concept of culture. The development of such a new culture seems to let the various cultures get near, however, it creates a kind of material-oriented platform for cultural dialogue.This paper aims to discuss the previous models of cultural diffusion, and rethink a new way for searching common root of dialogue between different cultures, which will not be changed, namely a new model of cultural diffusion. The founder of Focolare Movement, Chiara Lubich treated the ”Charisma of Unity” as the fundament of dialogue between different cultures: the Culture of Religions, The Culture of Politics, Culture of Media, and Art, etc. Her Model for cultural diffusion and dialogue is so-called ”The Culture of Unity”. This cultural Model creates the ”360° dialogue”. It leads not only to the real deep dialogue between different cultures, but also let each culture keep its respective specificity. ”The Culture of Unity” offers a new concept of cultural exchange and diffusion, this paper attempts to discuss a new paradigm of a cultural diffusion theory which was created by Chiara Lubich.
