  • 期刊

Chiara Lubich and the Theology "of" Jesus-The Trinity as Place, Method and Object of Thinking



合一的神恩在經驗和我們這個時代的基督良心方面,被譽為聖神的禮物之一,讓我們窺見了「啟示的中心」(H. U. von Balthasar)。神恩的合一傾向於闡述和催化「耶穌」的神學,這種神學構成了每一種基督教神學的激進形態。耶穌遵循天主的新命令,寧願被離棄在十字架上,事實上,遵守新命令的合一生活經驗,會宣揚及說明如何在耶穌當中把信仰的智能當作合一的智能來運用:也就是說,親自參與他的思想是一種恩賜,可以在聖神中運用耶穌對父的瞭解,以及從父那裡學到的歷史和創世的知識。因此,聖三一被指定為適合基督教神學的所在、方法與客體。其實,對信仰的理解因此被引進它適當的所在:根據耶穌的禱告,弟兄們在基督裡合而為一,再透過基督,進入聖父裡合一。當神學刻意以耶穌與聖父及聖神這種三位一體的關係作為方法,這份恩賜就生效了,也就是依照神的方式在神裡面瞭解神。三位一體,在自我的恩賜和接納其他人當中,發現自己在思考耶穌的時候是獨一無二的。然後再說明基督宗教神學特有的原初客體:三位一體是天主存在的原則與形式,也是天主創造出的現實在神裡面,依照神的旨意存在的原則與形式。


The charism of unity is accredited in the experience and in the Christian conscience of our time as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that opens up ”glances into the center of Revelation” (H. U. von Balthasar). It tends toward the explication and activation of that theology ”of” Jesus that constitutes the radical form of every Christian theology. The experience of the life of unity according to the ”new commandment” (cf. Jn 13:34-35) lived by Jesus to the point of being forsaken on the Cross (cf. Mk: 15:34, Mt 27:46), in fact, promotes and sheds light upon the exercise of intelligence of faith as intelligence of unity in Jesus: that is, as a living participation of his very thought (cf. 1 Cor 2:16) as a gift and exercise of the knowledge that Jesus has of the Father in the Holy Spirit and, from Him, of history and creation (cf. Mt 11:25-27). Hence the designation of the Holy Trinity as the place, method and object proper to Christian theology. The understanding of faith, indeed, is thus invited and introduced, first of all, into its proper place: brethren being one in-Christ and, through him, in the Father, according to the prayer of Jesus (cf. Jn 17:21). This gift becomes effective when theology consciously takes as its method the Trinitarian dynamic of the relationship of agape lived by Jesus with the Father in the Spirit, and that is to know God in God in the way of God: Trinitarian, in the gift of self and in receiving others to find yourself one and distinct in the thought ”of” Jesus (cf. Mt 18:20). From there, then, the illustration of the original object that is specific to Christian theology: the Trinity as the principle and form of God's being and of created reality's being and living in God, according to God.


Augustine of Hippo,Sheed, F.J.(Trans.)(2006).Confessions.Indianapolis:Hackett Pub. Co..
Augustine of Hippo(1991).De Trinitate.Brooklyn (N.Y.):New City Press.
Bonaventure(2002).Itinerarium mentis in Deum.St. Bonaventure (N.Y.):Franciscan Institute -Saint Bonaventure University.
Aquinas, Thomas. In Boetium de Trinitate. Milano: Rusconi, 1997; also available at http://www.corpusthomisticum.org/cbh.html.
Aquinas,. Summa Theologiae. Especially I, pp.28-31, available at http://www.newadvent.org/summa/l.htm.
