  • 期刊


Lorraine Code's Responsibilism and its Critique: Problems and Prospects


蔻德的責任論是一門獨樹一幟的當代知識理論,致力於 從認知主體的理智德性或認知責任以及共同體出發來闡明知識的本質和範圍,區別於傳統認知個體主義和奎因式的自然主義。然而,限於蔻德自身的思維局限,責任論沒有清晰地界定認知責任、理智德性和共同體等核心概念,更由於缺乏嚴謹縝密的分析論證而無法構成一種系統的知識理論,使之更像是一種「口號式」的“主義”。儘管如此,責任論依然為知識論帶來了豐富的理論資源,產生了深遠的影響。


責任論 認知責任 個體主義 共同體 蔻德


Lorraine Code's responsibilism is a unique contemporary theory of knowledge, aiming to clarify the nature and scope of knowledge from intellectual virtues or responsibility and community, which is different from traditional epistemic individualism and Quinean naturalism. However, limited to Code's own thought limitation, responsibilism didn't clearly defined epistemic responsibility, intellectual virtue and community and other core concepts, and due to the lack of rigid analyses and arguments, she cannot constitute a systematical theory of knowledge, make it more like a "slogan" doctrine. Nevertheless, responsibilism still brings abundant theoretical resources and has a far-reaching influence.


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Bonjour, Lawrence(1990).Review.The Philosophical Review.99(1),123-126.
Code, Lorraine(1987).Epistemic Responsibility.London:University Press of New England.
Code, Lorraine(1991).What can She Know? Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge.Ithaca:Cornell University Press.
Code, Lorraine(1995).Rhetorical Spaces: Essays on Gendered Locations.Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.
