  • 期刊


The Internationalization and Market Competition of Tsai Yueh-Hsun's Post-Confucian TV Drama and Films in East Asia




This essay investigates the East Asia-oriented TV and film productions of Taiwanese producer-director Tsai Yueh-hsun. His productions have made wide use of the transnational bankability of Taiwanese TV stars. Set in nationally non-specific urban societies, they are categorized as post- Confucian TV dramas, adopting liberal Western values and presenting problems in the authoritative patriarchal culture of the modern yet Confucian East Asia. They have competed in this market with neo-Confucian Korean and mainland Chinese TV dramas that follow Confucian patriarchal values. His productions in the 2000s entered many East Asian markets, including Southeast Asian countries, Japan, and mainland China, with the latter airing censored versions. In the 2010s, his productions have prioritized the rapidly increasing mainland Chinese market among all East Asian markets and adopted Taiwanese-mainland Chinese cooperation. The productions maintain the post-Confucian style of presentation, but remove the political viewpoint commonly perceived in Taiwan. Confronted with Taiwanese skepticism toward the Taiwanese-mainland Chinese cooperation, Tsai argues that this strategy will contribute to the development of Taiwan's film and TV industry. The presentation of Taiwan's modern places in the productions will help promote its tourism.


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