  • 期刊


'Funvjiefang' (Women's Liberation) or 'Nvquanzhuyi' (Feminism)? Transformation of China's National Gender Discourse in People's Daily




Differentiating 'women's liberation' and 'feminism' provides a significant perspective to construe the women's movement in China. By employing discourse analysis of 1628 articles in People's Daily from 1949 to 2014, this paper presents that through certain discursive strategies Socialist Feminism is transformed into the hegemonic discourse of 'women's liberation' in China: 'women's liberation' is a socialist movement fighting against feudalism, capitalism, and imperialism under the leadership of the communist party; within the movement, gender equality is constructed mainly as obligation equality, and women have to work in the public sphere to gain their equal rights. Furthermore, women's liberation is not a stagnant discourse and has different focuses in different stages. Since the 1980s, the reappearance of 'feminism' discourse in China provides a new reference object to understand 'women's liberation'.


〈不堪婆婆丈夫虐待 王娥狄被逼自殺〉(1950 年6 月28 日)。《人民日報》(中國),第4 版。
〈中央蘇區宣傳文化建設大事記:1931 年〉(無日期)。取自http://dangshi.people.com.cn/BIG5/151935/227176/227180/15873635.html
〈中國共產黨推進婦女解放的八十年〉(2001 年6 月23 日)。《人民日報》(中國),第5 版。
〈毛主席劉主席暢遊十三陵水庫〉(1956 年5 月27 日)。《人民日報》(中國),第1 版。
