

The purpose of this study was to investigate the discrepancy of gene expression of cells treated with heroin or morphine and codeine. Firstly, microarray was used to screen for the difference of genes, which are different in expression between heroin and non-drug users. Compared to non- drug user, 80 genes were distinctly induced in drug users. Only one gene, APOBEC3A gene was up-regulation, and the others were down-regulation. The expressions of seven out of the eighty affected genes, including CAMP, MPP1, OGFR, PARP10 RGS12, HES7, and, APOBEC3A were then validated by real-time RT-PCR amplification by using a cultured cell model. Ramos cells treated with morphine and codeine indicated that both drugs could down regulate CAMP gene expression. Ramos cells treated with morphine showed that the expression of MPP1, RGSI2, OGFR, P4RP10, and HES7 resulted in down-regulation, but cells treated with codeine revealed no induction. The APOBEC3A mRNA was not influenced in Ramos cells treated with morphine, but up-regulated in codeine-treated cells. According to these results, we hypothesize that there arc different gene expressions between cells exposed to morphine and codeine.


Morphine Codeine Gene expression Microarray Real-time RT-PCR
