  • 期刊


The Introduction of the Western Animal Protection Movement by Miss Alice Pichen Lee-A Discussion Focusing on "the Light of the West"


二十世紀初中國著名女詞人-呂碧城,晚年積極參與戒殺護生運動,成為東、西方推動運動的橋樑。 呂碧城早年深具戒殺心念種子,後因佛法而萌發戒殺護生觀念。經由參與歐美保護動物運動的歷程,而扮演傳播文化的角色。無論是賦詩作詞、推廣戒殺護生運動、提倡蔬食,甚或翻譯佛典,毋寧都是她在探究人類文明過程中,深刻體悟而不斷提升自我心靈的階段性作為。 1930年代,她首倡於中國組織保護動物團體,提倡戒殺護生,後雖未能親自參與運作,然值此世局紛亂、兵燹漫天之際,她的倡議,實是大悲心行的具體表現。她首宗佛教戒殺之說,以「人類不傷人類,人類不傷物類」為前提,次本抑強扶弱精神,於日常生活中力行護生放生,透過禁止虐待及鼓吹戒殺同時並行,以期達到戒殺廢屠理想。從呂碧城在《歐美之光》的編纂與論述中,可以瞭解到戒殺護生為其從事各項活動的基本觀點,而國際組織之不足恃與公眾理念的闡揚,為支持她從事保護動物運動的兩大行動準則;「真文明而後有真安樂」,則為其生命之最高指標。


戒殺 護生 保護動物


Miss Alice Pichen Lee, an excellent female poet in the early twentieth century in China, took up the advocacy of the movement of animal protection and vegetarianism in her old age and became a bridge of communication between eastern and western communities of the movement. The idea of anti-killing had taken root in her mind when she was young and was being developed both in breath and depth under the guidance of Buddhism. She played a crucial role in its cultural dissemination through the participation of the animal protection movement in the western countries. By writing poems, disseminating the concept of anti-slaughter, becoming a vegan, and even translating the Sutras of the Buddha, she inquired into life and the civilized evolutionary process and raised herself to higher spiritual needs. She was so full of kindness and compassion that she would put the idea of harmonious relationships between the mankind and any other species in the first place, which was the teaching of the Buddha. However, she failed to attend the activities of the first community of animal protection in China in 1930's which she had tried to establish when the country was in turmoil. Restraining the power from being too uncontrolled and supporting the weaker to make good progress were her major concepts to achieve the ideal of the prohibition of slaughter through putting the preservation of life into practice in daily life. She would rather prevent cruelty to animals and prohibit the slaughter in an unjust and unnecessary way at the same time. Anti-slaughter and protecting animals were her basic points when she was attending the activities of the movement. She followed two important principles in her actions that (1) international organizations like the League of Nations were not really reliable and (2) the public opinions must be expounded and propagated. She also regarded the saying: ”True happiness comes from true civilization” as her highest target in life.




