  • 期刊


Taiwan Provincial Executive Office's Reception and Placement of Taiwanese Personnel from the Taiwan Sotokufu and Its Agencies


「人員接收」,指接收原服務於臺灣總督府及所屬機關的行政人員,包括日籍人員與臺籍人員,人數多達數萬人。其中臺籍行政人員推估至少25,000人以上。面對如此眾多的臺籍行政人員,臺灣省行政長官公署如何展開接收,如何適當地保障其身分與權益,足以檢驗戰後初期臺灣省行政長官公署人事制度健全的程度。 接收與安置人員貴在以公平、合理的原則相互對待。人員如何考核分出「留用」與「不留用」、舊有的任用資歷是否採認、薪俸是否照舊等等,攸關被接收人員的權益,亦是媒體關注的議題。如有不公平安排,非但引起當事人不滿,打擊士氣,不公平的消息亦經常躍上新聞版面,成為公眾矚目的焦點,如臺大醫院罷診事件即是顯例。另一方面,臺籍行政人員皆曾任職於臺灣總督府或其所屬機構,擁有行政經驗,如能善予安排出路,則為臺灣省行政發展的助力,其特殊的地位應予重視,使其有發揮的餘地。 本文以臺灣省行政長官公署檔案為主要素材,並參考當時報紙討論臺籍行政人員人事問題,互相參證,以探索留用臺籍行政人員的身分保障與權益維護情形,藉以省思戰後初期人事制度存在的問題。


By ”Reception of Personnel” it is meant to refer to the reception of personnel in the original service of the Taiwan Sotokufu and its affiliated agencies, which included the Japanese and Taiwanese staff amounting to tens of thousands, with the latter estimated as at twenty five thousands or more. Faced with such a large number of Taiwanese people, how was the Taiwan Provincial Executive Office to receive and replace them, and how could it properly protect their identities and rights, both issues of which were capable of disclosing the level of soundness of governance of the early post-war personnel system of Taiwan Provincial Executive Office. The value of reception and placement of personnel lies in being fair and reasonable in treating them. Assessments on how to differentiate ”retained” and ”not retained” old appointments on the basis of these personnel’s recognized qualifications, previous salaries, etc., had bearings on the rights of the persons concerned, which were also a subject of media attention. If they were not fairly treated and arranged, not only would the affected parties be dissatisfied, but also frequently became news in the forefront of public attention. For example, the National Taiwan University Hospital consultation event was one such striking case. In this paper, the archives of the Taiwan Provincial Executive Office have been the main historical sources, with cross reference to the then Min Bao 〔Taiwanese newspapers〕 with a view to discussing the personnel issues such as the protection of people with Taiwanese identities and their rights and interests, etc., all of which reflected the problems faced by the early post-war of Taiwan Provincial Executive Office personnel system.




