  • 期刊


Recovering the Unpaid Balance on Ships Built for the United States by Jiangnan Shipyard(1917-1936)




江南造船所 海軍部 美國 運輪部 欠款


The establishment of Jiangnan Arsenal near the end of the Qing Dynasty was regarded as the beginning of modern Chinese military industry. In 1905, it became an independent agency named Jiangnan Dock, assigned to manufacture ships of military and civilian use. After the 1911 Revolution, Jiangnan Dock was placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Navy in the Beijing Government and was renamed Jiangnan Shipyard, mainly responsible for the repair of military ships. In 1918, due to the urgent need for transporting goods to the battlefields in Europe, the United States Shipping Board ordered four ships from Jiangnan Shipyard at a price of US$7.8 million in total. From 1919 to 1921, construction of the four ships, Mandarin, Celestial, Orient and Cathay, was completed and launched in succession. The reputation of Jiangnan Shipyard reached its peak. It was not until 1924 that Jiangnan Shipyard found the United States did not pay the balance of US$50,000 for the ships and issued a payment request to the United States Shipping Board. In response, the United States indicated that it had rented two small ships, Huajia and Huayi, from Ta Tah Steamship Company in China during World War I and had advanced US$70,675.12 for ship repairs, which the company did not reimburse. The US therefore refused the balance payment for the four ships constructed by Jiangnan Shipyard. In 1933, the Ministry of Navy in the Nationalist Government began to take steps, through Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to recover the long overdue balance, while the Ministry of Transportation and Communications tried to distance itself from this matter for fear that the US may request a reimbursement of the cost of ship repairs. No further information can be found about the final resolution, but the decade-long negotiations between the two countries deserve to be brought to attention in reviewing the history of Jiangnan Shipyard.


《 外交部檔案 》 ( 臺北 , 中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館藏 ) 〈 江南造船所承造美船案 〉
《 外交部檔案 》 ( 臺北 , 國史館藏 ) 〈 中外船舶糾紛 : 美政府租華甲 、 華乙兩輪多付款項美領請求追還我查明辦理 〉 〈 美運輪部欠江南造船所造艦費及華甲華乙租費糾葛 〉
《 中國近代艦艇工業史料集 》 編輯部編 , 《 中國近代艦艇工業史料集 》 。 上海 : 上海人民出版社 , 1994 年
《 江南造船所紀要 》 。 未註出版地 , 1922 年 。
《 江南造船廠史 》 編寫組 , 《 江南造船廠史 , 1865-1949 》 。 上海 : 上海人民出版社 , 1975 年 。
